The Benefits of Family Meals

This year has been a tough year for most, no doubt. However, the challenges we face sometimes promote positive change. One change, resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, has been the increased frequency of meals prepared within American homes and the renewed value of sharing meals with family members. According to a study by the FMI Foundation, the COVID-19 crisis has helped Americans rediscover the value of family meals, with many saying they will continue to eat more family meals together even after the pandemic is behind us.

The benefits of family meals are numerous. Many families that are eating together more, say they look forward to meal time and the daily routine it provides. Families also feel more connected when they are eating together regularly. In addition to the emotional and relational benefits, there are also physical benefits. A survey by the FMI Foundation found that a third of respondents felt that they ate better with others and 40% indicated that the food they ate was more balanced or healthier than when they ate alone.

The value of family meals was instilled in me by my late mother. She made sure our family shared at least two meals together every day and I have continued this practice with my children. Sitting around the table and sharing a meal with friends or family is a great way to stay connected. I believe that the cornerstone of any great family meal is the meat, which is a piece of what inspired me to start Old Station Craft Meats. I look forward to helping our community continue this positive trend in family meals by way of an excellent meat selection and creative meal planning ideas.


Source: “Family meals take on renewed value amid pandemic.” Supermarket News.


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